Eating healthy is a good thing


And I should know, cause I haven't been for many years and now I am paying the price. (I am also in an extensive detox program here from all the heavy metals in my system from the many years of soldering all my own jewelry. That's a whole other subject). It is much easier to eat healthy here in Boquete as their is no fast food. (OK, they did open up a Subway a couple months ago, and I have only been there once, I promise!)
There is a nice american couple who have started an organic produce farm just outside of town. You order want you want on the internet and she actually delivers to your door once a week! She also makes these wonderful sauces from her garden with hot peppers, pesto, mustard sauce, and lots more I will tell you about later. And she makes them without sugar for me, so they are just good natural ingredients!

Breakfast is more of an adventure than I am used to having back home in the states. I go to the local farmers mercado downtown and buy my fruit right from the farmers. I buy pineapple (pina) (1.00 for the best pineapple you have ever eaten,) mangos, ewww, love those mangos (1.00 buys you 6, yes six mangos), bananas right off the tree, and then I added yogurt, mostly plain (less sugar) with some strawberry yogurt, and a whole lot of almonds. The yogurt and the nuts give me the protein I need.

Dinner today was a real treat. I had gotten some salmon from PriceSmart (Panama's Costco) and cooked it in my little toaster oven. Although you can actually cook Salmon deliciously in a microwave, I am trying my hardest not to use my microwave for anything but heating coffee and stuff like that. Do you know how bad the microwaves are for you?? I heard that they kill all the nutrients in your food in the first 30 seconds of cooking. So then whats the point of getting all this wonderful healthy food. Ok, so with the salmon I made for the first time, my recipe, fried rice. Quite tasty. I cooked brown rice like normal and then put in a skillet with just a bit of olive oil to brown and then at the end I added a bunch of fresh chopped garlic and onion. I did not want the garlic and onion to cook much and loose the wonderful nutrients they have. Then I added some kind of long 3" skinny red, hot, pepper, chopped up fine and that added a little fire!! Yep, it was good.

Are you wondering about that empty spot on the plate? Yeah, I was wondering about that too!


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