Beetle ART


I bought this from a Panamanian artist and I think it is so very cool. I love the wood the artist choose to paint, notice the sides and how it has eroded. (proper word for rot away I think). The color brightens up my livingroom and I think insects, some insects anyway, are very interesting. And we do have BIG beetles here, not this big, but very close!!

I saw one the other night on my front porch waiting for me when I got home after dinner and I kid you not, when I saw it under the patio chair, I thought it was a crab!!! I got a bit closer (very carefully do I need even say) and saw that it was the largest beetle I have ever seen alive in person. It was about 2.5 inches wide and square, not long! Seriously, it looked like a land crab sitting there. And not nearly as pretty as my little art painting.


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